About the Scottish ICAN Partner Organisations

Scottish CND

Scottish CND was founded in 1958 as a single-issue campaign opposing nuclear weapons and works at Scottish Parliamentary and grass roots levels for the TPNW and removal of the UK’s nuclear weapons from Scotland. Contact: Lynn Jamieson

Trident Ploughshares

Trident Ploughshares is a part of the international nuclear disarmament movement and TP activists make a commitment to disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system in a non-violent, peaceful, open and fully accountable manner. Contact: David Mackenzie

Peace & Justice

Peace & Justice was founded in 1980 to create a culture of peace and to promote nonviolence, human rights, conflict resolution and ecological sustainability. Contact: Jane Herbstritt

United Nations House Scotland

United Nations House Scotland is a civil society organisation committed to the UN goals and values including a nuclear weapons-free world, collaborating with all levels of society to raise awareness, encourage dialogue, and organising advocacy efforts. Contact: Gari Donn

Medact Scotland

Medact Scotland aims to raise the profile of the health impact and humanitarian consequences of the use of nuclear weapons, and is an affiliate of ICAN’s founding Partner, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, which operates in 64 countries. Contact: Dr Lesley Morrison

Northern Friends Peace Board (NFPB)

Northern Friends Peace Board (NFPB) are Quakers, aiming for ‘the active promotion of peace in all its height and breadth’, including action on nuclear disarmament. NFPB supports Quakers and others wishing to learn about these issues and act upon them. Contact: Philip Austin

Pax Christi Scotland

Pax Christi Scotland is a member of the Catholic peace movement that promotes peace, respect of human rights, justice & reconciliation and advocates for the TPNW throughout the world,  working in Scotland to challenge Scottish financial institutions and public bodies to divest from companies that make nuclear weapons and their delivery systems. Contact: Marian Pallister

Secure Scotland

Secure Scotland is a network of people and organisations in Scotland that is challenging prevailing ideas of security, responding to basic needs and real threats and offering contributions to peace and security in the global community. Contact: Janet Fenton